It Takes A Village to Heal A Queen. Join Me.

Women everywhere are rising up. Reawakening. Remembering…

We feel it in our bones. We intuitively sense a divine call, a SHIFT. A call to GREATER.


From the hills of California to the cities of Washington, D.C., from churches to corporate,we know… It is TIME to RISE up and reclaim ourselves.

Do you hear it? The divine call? The sacred feminine whisper? The call to PURPOSE, to FREEDOM, to a depth of beauty that could only be captured through alignment with the God?

Women everywhere are feeling discontent, disconnected, overwhelmed and dissatisfied, searching and seeking for a sense of wholeness that can only be achieved through sacred community.


No longer are we threatened by our sisters’ gifts, but we understand that we are more POWERFUL TOGETHER than we ever could be alone. That the calling is seemingly impossible without a sister on outside to encourage, support, uplift, edify and co-create.

The sisterhood represents a safe place to simply BE. It’s where you can discover WHO YOU ARE through your own divine REFLECTION.

This is a sacred invitation to join a powerful collective of women, committed to RISE and receive their Divine birthrights of purpose, freedom, liberty and joy. It’s time to slow down and heal. It time to release the overthinking and striving and make room for God.

It’s also time to rise up and take back all the peace, finances, love and health that has been stolen!

It’s time to rest. It’s time to come home. It’s time to cultivate our wholeness. It’s time to walk worthy of our calling. Let’s come together so we may evolve into the anointed QUEENS we already are.

Two things:


I am doing a special series of teaching on 4 Way to Embrace Your Elevation & Evolution as a Real Queen where I will be going in depth on the Pressure you are feeling right now, your  Purpose, God’s Promise & the process to your personal Palace  at 12pm EST all week longClick here to friend and follow me and be sure to turn on the notification for when I go live!


At 1 pm EST all week (if you can’t make my teaching or if you need to soak up more) I am inviting you to join my Spiritual Mentor, Shannon Evette and my Sacred Sisterhood Circle all this week for a powerful line up of transformational teaching talks with powerful speakers on taking back from the enemy what was stolen from you, forgiveness, healing, femininity, healing your womb, purpose activation, sexuality, your calling in God, body temple wellness, and building your Queendom in business.


Because this flow has been dynamic and we have stepped up the game, the times have changed and I am awaiting new webinar links from Shannon.  She is doing a Spiritual Gangsta Series on taking Holy Action – NO MORE PASSIVITY, WANTING AND WAITING!!!  If you want to be in on this starting TODAY 1 PM EST. Click here to be on my special Queens Rising List for replays and special access.

Join me on the Journey!




For Such a Time as This…Live and Love ON PURPOSE!


Have you been living out of alignment with your purpose and your partner doesn’t have the emotional or spiritual capacity to support you in your purpose?

Because of that dead-end relationship and other issues, the book in your heart is still unwritten and your blog is not yet started? Is that idea for a ministry, a business venture is still floating around in your head? Are you still Googling but haven’t done anything? You are not waiting on God. God is waiting on YOU!

To walk in purpose first requires surrender. Surrendering to the calling. Letting go of our ego that wants to keep us hiding out, small and in fear. It also requires being intentional, accountable and having a community of like-minded individuals who are also serious about letting go of situations and relationships that no longer serve them and about elevating into their purpose. To learn more go to #Power #InPosition #OnPurpose#MyLove #MyPurpose #purposesociety

Are You Just Too Plain Busy? Slow Down You’ll Get There Faster

Are You Just Too Plain Busy_

Busy: engaged in activity; work; occupied; being in use; cluttered with detail to the point of being distracted.

But Martha was distracted with all the preparations she had to make…But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things, but one thing is needed. ….. Luke 10:40-42

How many of us are walking around cluttered with detail to the point of being distracted? We are too busy implementing the vision, taking care of the house, doing business instead of simply being. As the old saying goes, we are human beings, not human doings. Yet we strive, hustle, grind and push ourselves to the point of distraction.

We ride over the surface of our lives being busy, until we hit a brick wall – we fall out with someone, we get sick, a tragedy happens, some strange and unexpected turn of events, a major let down or disappointment. Then we realize that in the midst of all of our busyness, we missed the handwriting on the wall.

Behold: to see or observe; view; look at or gaze upon; watch; regard; contemplate; inspect; eye.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor. 3:18 (NKJV)

Yet, if we took time daily to renew our minds and sit in God’s presence and behold Him, we would have the strength, the wisdom and internal fortitude to navigate our lives such that we operate in rhythm and rest – not the busy grind. To operate in a spirit of rhythm and rest requires that we daily behold Him. It requires daily that we behold ourselves on the inside. That we take the time to be still and know that He is God. That we take the time to reflect and to think deeply. This is beholding. When we take the time to behold, we grow and we shift internally. We are transformed. When we stay too busy to behold, we wind up busted and bruised every time.

The Reasons why we would rather stay busy than to spend time beholding:

  1. Our worth and value is tied up in how “busy” and “accomplished” we want people to see us. We somehow equate being busy with being fruitful and important. We wear our busy badge with pride, but deep down we often struggle.
  2. We believe the lie that if we don’t do it, it won’t get done. Often, the things we worry about getting done are not mission critical, but we worry about what people will think if we drop the ball, if they see the extent of our mess, or see that we don’t really have it all together.
  3. We often stay busy to prove something to somebody else – the ex-spouse; the competition on social media, parents, our frenemies and so on.

The root cause of all of the busyness is fear. Fear that we will get behind. Fear that people will see the real deal. Fear that we will fail. Fear of what “they” will think. Fear of not being seen as competent. Fear of letting someone else down.

Taking time to rest, behold, and spend alone with the God does several things for us:

  1. Keeps us in peace and a spirit of rest (Note: In the Bible we never saw Jesus ripping and busting about, he worked with an anointing of ease and a rhythm. See also Matt 11:28). This whole idea of hustling and grinding to walk in purpose, from my perspective, does not line up with the way Jesus lived. He worked, he poured out, he traveled extensively via foot, but he never seemed to have that rushed air and harshness, fast paced speaking, and loud, rushy behavior. Jesus completed his assignment for the day with directness, compassion and authority and left to go in the wilderness to replenish & reflect with God.
  2. Gives us the opportunity to do a heart check. Without the daily quiet time, we tend to trot and flit around along the surface of our lives until we hit a wall and then – BAM! We tailspin and have some sort of emotional breakdown, fall out with someone, lose it all together, get sick, or make a bad decision due to being hungry, angry, tired or lonely. The daily times with God allows us to reveal, repent and heal what is going on inside of us. It gives us the opportunity to renew our minds. Renewing the mind can be seen as the equivalent of taking a daily shower. Just as you would not go 2 or 3 days without taking a shower, we should not go days without our daily time of mind renewal and heart check. Without this daily time, stuff on the inside tends to pile up. We get cluttered and chaotic emotionally and mentally with petty offenses, hurts, anxieties, cares and struggles. We forget that He is God and we are not so we began to carry burdens that we shouldn’t. We begin to operate in fear and fail to trust him thus opening the door for the enemy of our souls to get a foothold.
  3. Creates Space for Grace. There is an anointing of ease when you let God lead. It is easier to operate in your purpose when you take your directives from Him on a daily basis. By beholding Him, we are transformed little by little. In that transformation process, we become wise-hearted like he is. In beholding Him, we receive revelation, wisdom & understanding that we would not have received otherwise. Making the sacrifice to spend time with Him upfront can save you hours later as you execute and implement your daily tasks.

Beloved, never operate your life in such a fashion that you are never too busy to behold Him or too busy to really behold yourself – your inner life. Never let the pace of your life exceed the grace you are cultivating on the inside. Take the time to make space for His grace to transform you.

Until Next Time,


For more information on walking in emotional wholeness or ending dead-end relationships, order your copy of Get Out of that Dead-End Relationship NOW! A Christian Woman’s Guide on How to Get Real, Healed & Move On TODAY! Available at in paperback or Kindle or for an autographed copy go to