In Love? In Need? In Lust?

Some of these “situationships” we find ourselves in are not based or rooted in true love.  Sometimes we come into relationships because we are “In Need.”  In need of validation.  In Need of acceptance.  In Need of being noticed.  In Need of attention from the opposite sex.   In Need to feel wanted or to feel good about ourselves.  In Need to fix/help/heal someone to prove that we are valuable and worthy because we have been rejected.  In Need of security because we are so insecure. In Need to have somebody just to have somebody.  In Need because of being lonely. In Need to show that we are good wifey material or that we could be a good husband. Sometimes it’s just pure In Lust, plain and simple.  In Lust because of church/religious expectations to be married in order to have sex without guilt. In Lust because of being horny. Let’s get clear and learn what true love is, which is not something you “Fall” into and neither is it just pure emotion.  God IS love and He cannot be reduced to a mere emotion or transient feeling.  Love is an intentional, sacrificial decision to love someone in spite of their faults and all in full maturity and knowledge of who they are when the butterfly feelings and the attraction dies down.  #Love #Relationships #Maturity #GetRealBeHealed #Neediness #Attraction #SelfLove #Empowerment #PersonalDevelopment #RealLove #relationships


Pain2POWER: Breaking the Power of Abandoment & Rejection TONIGHT 7pm. Details below.

Don’t Forget!

A friendly reminder – Christina Saunders will be leading the discussion on the roots of rejection, abandonment and insecurity and how to OVERCOME in your life!


We have all endured some form of rejection and abandonment in our lives either in our childhood, friendships, and romantic relationships and marriages.  Because of this, we now struggle with the results and side effects today and the insecurities that these wounds create.  Join Christina and I on this empowering call to help move past these issues and walk in greater degrees of wholeness and freedom!

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016 AT 7:00 PM EST.
Call In #: 712-775-7031
Passcode: 179148

In His Grace,


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If you want to stay stuck in your Pain & the Past, then don’t read this…

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Yep, I said it! 

We want our outer circumstances to change but we aren’t willing to do the internal work it takes to change.  We want a new relationship but we want to show up as the same old person we were before.  So we stay stuck…

Stuck in the Pain….

Stuck in the Past…

Instead of CHECKING IN with ourselves and with God we choose to CHECK OUT…

Check out on by scrolling through endless social media timelines

Check out on hours of TV

Check out on overeating, sex, mindless activities and church/business busywork. But the pain still exists and doesn’t go anywhere….we just avoid it, numb it, hide out, and grin anyway like we’re okay.

Been there. Done that.  And I got 49 T-shirts too.

However, I am on a continuous journey of forever getting real and being healed ALL the time so I can’t stay in that state forever…

And like me, if you are really serious and READY to #GetRealBeHealed and move from PAIN2POWER then I strongly encourage you to join me on this series of conference calls by myself and my fellow sister-in-Christ certified HISCoach Christina Saunders! We will dig deep into the issues that we have struggled with and are actively healing and overcoming from (yes, I still go thru, I’m still in process for real) and that tend to hold 99.999% of people back from truly walking in peace, power and purpose such as the:

  • Inability to forgive self from past mistakes, guilt, shame, still recycling the same thoughts over and over again.
  • Still reacting and living from the place of being abandoned, rejected or betrayed.
  • Unworthiness
  • Soul ties — still emotionally and spiritually bonded to past lovers and other people no longer in a relationship with.

And so much more, you don’t want to miss this series of calls so Mark your Calendars NOW!!

In His Grace,
